They are not good at making decision what to do. No actually they already have made a decision about what to do but there are many times they try to pretend to be indecisive person to pull out someone's answers about what they pretend to want someone to solve. I am Japanese but I don't still understand this attitude but one thing that I am really sure is they really care about what others think of them. Of course people have different sence of values each other so if you have a Japanese girl friend, sometimes you will give her some advices that she hasn't expected to hear from you. But probably she will desperately persuade you to accept the conclusion she originally wanted you to answer.
- Your Japanese girl friend: "I have no idea which close makes me so cute. Can you help me "
- You "Sure"
- Your Japanese girl friend: "How do I look? Do you like this?"
- You: "mmm I prefer this color for today and I think you're too sexy to walk around the downtown so I think you should refrain from such a exposed clothing."
- Your Japanese girl friend: "What do you mean ? you mean I am not cute?"
- You: "No I mean.. you know.. it's too dangerous to go out in those close so l'm really worried about......"
- Your Japanese girl friend: "Thank you. But I chose this close because you would like it you might think I am cute"
- You: "Yeah yeah I like it of course. I'm sorry. You look very good. you're super kawaii "
- Your Japanese girl friend: "Oh thank you. I've known you might like this."
- You: "mmm"
Japanese women like making people happy and they are very good at finding good points of people to praise. They seem to know instinctively what kind of words make people feel happy so they talk proper contents or topics to meet the situation depending on whom they talk to.
They often say "amazing" or "kawaii" as a cliché. I think there is no one who will not be conscious of the girl saying such expressions with great smile because I used to be the one of men who is captured my heart by the combination of girl's smile and a word of "kawaii". Whatever,
Even if Japanese women don't think the man who're talking with is not cool, they try to throw bouquets to them to make effort to keep good mood and to performing being nice girl. Sometimes support person who play the role of livening up the atmosphere. The important things for them to behave in the party is to perform being the ideal girl whom everybody wish to be.
There are critical view point that they focus on gathering people's attention because of wanting to be well thought of. I will not deny this way of thinking because as I said they have a big interest in how people think of them. The behavior of emphasizing their good aspects and reading someone's face have a reason that they intend to avoid friction among people as much as possible by saying what they want to say without reading the situations. On the other hand, the only way that you can bring out their senses is listening to them carefully and seriously by putting yourself in their shoes. Saying what makes people happy despite they will not follow their true feeling and saving people's honor to avoid trouble conflict are the behavior coming from Japanese DNA having developed over a long period of time. They often replay a fuzzy answer about your serious questions because they want to keep good relationship with you for a long time. If you want to make Japanese girl friend, You should get the skill of how well you read what they think of.