9 ways to make your boyfriend reform himself from his persistent nap while dating.

 Many woman are annoyed with their boyfriends taking a nap or oversleeping by wasting their time even though they can only meet up with bo...

Chinese elite choose the way back to China after studying abroad.

The country which accepts the greatest number of foreign students in the world is the United States. Among all foreign students, Chinese s...

You will burden a risk of lawsuit if you reject a lease contract with foreigners for the reason of their nationality in Japan

Foreign students aged twenties from Europe who weren't able to make a rent contract of a apartment located in the city of Kyoto be...

Japanese Companies' terrible new employee training ーMind-controlled trainee

 Japanese companies start doing the training for new employees simultaneously in April which is at the the start of new business year in ...

Good solution for long layover in transit at Narita airport  ーSmall tour around the airport

How do you spend your time for a layover in transit at the airport? Do your gaming apps with your iphone? Read books? Or take a nap? How...

Abenomics' a weak yen policy threatens Japanese

Sometimes when I watched TV news in the evening the scene Japanese housewife and salary man were interviewd on the street about their bus...

Confession of a Japanese salary man; I am working 16 hours a day ー Japanese work style

I am Japanese. If you have a common sense, it would be natural for you to think that working 13 hours a day is definitely crazy. If I st...

We all human has potential religious outlook rooted the country we were born and raised

People have a specific religious outlook generally and potentially by being influenced into the religion deeply rooted to the country they...

The secret of a legendary advertisement which pulled up sales from 5th to the top of Beer Companies.

Do you know the legendary advertisement which pushed up the sales from 5th to the top at one go in entire beer companies in the United St...

Marks advocacy and the power of words

"Words influence and move people" The incident that significantly exemplify a feature of this thing .... ....is the revolutio...

Hitler's brainwashing speech and video marketing

I think "Hitler's speech" is glimpsed very important factors on approach of appealing to depth psychology of people behind ...

Volcanic activity in Mt.Hakoneyama in Japan

Tense dangerous circumstance continues around Owaku-dani by volcanic activity in Hakone-yama. Japanese Meteorological Agency announced th...






ダイレクトレスポンスマーケティングの第一人者であり、著名な経営コンサルタントである神田昌典氏が、2015年以降の未来予測について、時代の時代の変換サイクルはおよそ時代の70年周期で起こっているということを提唱しているアメリカの歴史家、ニール・ハウとウィリアム ストラウス・ハウ...