Is your prioritization actually influenced by someone's intention

"selection and concentration"


Recently these topics are hot in business coaching industry. However these essences has been told with another expressions from way back.

"Spending more time to the most important thing which is but urgent necessity for you." This is the essence not to lose your objective and to bring you straight to the goal you set in a short term.

I will divide tendency of people's behavior based on whether it's important or urgent into 4 types in priority matrix.
It is important and urgent It is not important but urgent
It is not urgent but important It is not important and urgent

People who is always pressed for time tend to spend their day for
  • what is not important but urgent
  • what is important and urgent
  • what is not urgent and important

For example, it is like watching TV, gaming with iphone, doing TV game, etc. These are not urgent and important. Of course if these belong to what you need to do with clear objective like getting a certain kind of data which is in need for marketing or something or learning user experience through gaming in order to catch another needs or solutions your priority against these things will turn to be "what is important and urgent" or "what is not urgent but important".

Which priority cell do you think you can apply your behavior into in the priority matrix in the case you have urgent task which you need to submit a very important report to your boss by tomorrow? This is urgent and important.

How about being asked by your family to do shopping? This is not important but urgent.

So I mean which you place in this priority matrix by your behavior all depends on what types of will you have to do the things. It is quite natural thing but not many people are conscious of this when they act.

Moreover you receive more benefit by throwing question of which matrix cell you belong to to your each actions by comparing with your the segmented purpose. your health, skill, ability........ It is more like falling under the category of self-discipline. But if you know the essence of your behavior based on 2 keywords of "urgent" and "important" when you make to-do list, your direction can be simply set.

Memorize the following questions.
  • what is the most important for your life
  • what is your ideal condition for your life
  • what is prioritizing for things for your life

People's will can be roughly divided into two aspects which is active and passive. Remember the priority matrix and think out and write up all the situation applying to each one of cells in the Matrix from your experience. Just itemize your behavior in your daily life in each priority cells.

It is important and urgent It is not important but urgent
It is not urgent but important It is not important and urgent

I think people's behavior containing an element of "urgent" are influenced by somebody's will with high probability. So even unless you have your own priority with your strong will, you may live somebody's life. People's mind tends to be as strong dependence as easily being influenced by sombody's intention. I mean if you want to win true liberty of you life you should omit the element of "urgent" as much as possible. Plus a state of mind which is not important and urgent is actually independent but people with that mind already notice spending time for what's not important. They know nothing grows from their behavior so I can't strongly say it is truly independent. Anyway this cell is out of question.

How do you look at the facts that only a handful of executives in the world work hard lively all day long except for few sleeping hours on the other hand a lot of majority workers pressed for hard work commit suicide to escape the reality especially in Japan.

Whether it's active or passive, whether it's urgent or not decide the outcome in your life.

So you need simple tree questions which I asked you to memorize. This questions make you notice that you need to take the initiative towards your own priority and move your position from upper cells to a left lower cell.

The most important point of awareness is " not urgent but important". People who enjoy working have this mental attitude. Please win your excited life to refer to this matrix.